Rotational Statics
- Statics is the branch of mechanics dealing with forces acting on objects that are not accelerating.
- Equilibrium is a general concept that can refer to states of…
- static equilibrium, which includes…
- translational equilibrium (the equilibrium of forces)
- rotational equilibrium (the equilibrium of torques)
- dynamic equilibrium, which includes but is not limited to…
- thermodynamic equilibrium (the equilibrium of internal energy transfer)
- static equilibrium, which includes…
- An adjective before the noun is not needed when the type of equilibrium is known from context.
- This section of this book is about static equilibrium only.
- Dynamic equilibrium will be dealt with in other sections of this book.
- Static equilibrium (a.k.a. the equilibrium of extended bodies)
- The translational and angular acceleration of an extended body in static equilibrium are both zero.
- An object in static equilibrium will…
- remain at rest or continue moving with a constant translational velocity and
- remain at rest or continue rotating with a constant angular velocity.
- An object in static equilibrium will…
- An extended body is in static equilibrium when the net force and net torque on it are zero.
no net force ∑F−x = ∑F+x ⎫
⎭⇒ ∑F = 0 ∑F−y = ∑F+y ∑F−z = ∑F+z no net torque ∑τ−x = ∑τ+x ⎫
⎭⇒ ∑τ = 0 ∑τ−y = ∑τ+y ∑τ−z = ∑τ+z - An extended body is in static equilibrium when the forces and torques on it are balanced.
balanced forces ∑F−x = ∑F+x ⎫
⎭⇒ ∑F = 0 ∑F−y = ∑F+y ∑F−z = ∑F+z balanced torques ∑τ−x = ∑τ+x ⎫
⎭⇒ ∑τ = 0 ∑τ−y = ∑τ+y ∑τ−z = ∑τ+z
- The translational and angular acceleration of an extended body in static equilibrium are both zero.
- Center of mass (center of gravity)
- The center of mass of an object…
- is the effective location of an extended body for for the purposes of some calculations
- is the point about which an extended body will always rotate when free of external torques
- is computed from the mass distribution
- may lie outside of an extended body
- is represented by the symbol rcm or rcom
- The center of gravity of an object…
- is the effective location for the force of gravity acting on an extended body
- is the pivot about which an extended body will be in stable rotational equilibrium in a gravitational field
- is computed from the weight distribution
- is in the same location as the center of mass when the gravitational field is uniform
- is represented by the symbol rcg or rcog
- Equations
- For a discrete collection of objects
rcm = ∑miri = 1 ⎛
⎝∑mixi î + ∑miyi ĵ + ∑mizi k̂ ⎞
⎠∑mi m rcm = the location of the center of mass for the set of objects mi = the mass of the ith object in the set ri = the position vector of the ith object in the set m = the total mass of the set xi, yi, zi = the coordinates of the ith object in the set î, ĵ, k̂ = the unit vectors of the coordinate system used - For a single object with…
uniform density rcm = 1 ⌠⌠⌠
⌡⌡⌡r dV V nonuniform density rcm = 1 ⌠⌠⌠
⌡⌡⌡ρr dV m rcm = the location of the center of mass of the object m = the total mass of the object V = the total volume of the object r = the position vector of any infinitesimal piece of the object dV = an infinitesimal volume element in the object ρ = a density function
- For a discrete collection of objects
- The center of mass of an object…
- Stability of equilibrium for extended bodies
- The equilibrium of an extened body in a gravitational field is said to be…
- stable if…
- any small disturbance results in a net torque that tries to restore its equilibrium orientation
- any small disturbance would raise its center of mass
- its center of gravity is below the pivot point
- unstable if…
- any small disturbance results in a net torque that drives it away from its equilibrium orientation
- any small disturbance would lower its center of mass
- its center of gravity is above the pivot point
- neutral if…
- any small disturbance does not result in a net force
- any small disturbance would neither raise nor lower its center of mass
- its center of gravity is at the pivot point
- stable if…
- The equilibrium of an extened body in a gravitational field is said to be…