Rotational Statics
- center of mass
- Centers of Population. US Census Bureau.
- egg balancing
- Standing an egg on end on the Spring Equinox. Phil Plait. Bad Astronomy (17 August 2000).
- Can you stand eggs on end at the vernal equinox and at no other time? Cecil Adams. Straight Dope (6 June 1986).
- Equinox Means Balanced Light, Not Balanced Eggs. Von Del Chamberlain. Clark Foundation.
- free body diagrams
- Free-body diagrams revisited—II. James E. Court. The Physics Teacher. Vol 37 No. 8 (1999): 490–495.
- RE1–RE16: Rotational Equilibrium
- RN1–RN9: Rotational Nonequilibrium
- Free-body diagrams revisited—II. James E. Court. The Physics Teacher. Vol 37 No. 8 (1999): 490–495.
- strauss bascule bridge
- Miscellaneous
- Method and means for creating anti-gravity illusion. Michael J. Jackson, Michael L. Bush, Dennis Tompkins, Triumph International. US Patent 5,255,452 (1993).
- Let's Calculate the Mass of Netflix's Luke Cage. Rhett Allain. Wired (9 September 2016). It doesn't matter how strong you are. You can't lift up another human and hold him in front of you unless you also have a large mass.
- Video on demand
- Meterstick friction demo. Rhett Allain. Vimeo.