Thin Film Interference
- Art
- Dominic Man Kit Lam. YouTube.
- Chromoskedasic Painting. Dominic Man-Kit Lam and Bryant W. Rossiter. Scientific American. Vol. 265 (1991): 80–85.
- Painting in Color without Pigments. Dominic Man-Kit Lam & Alexandra J. Baran. Scientific American. Vol. 265 (1991): 135–137.
- Animals
- Iridescence in Meat Caused by Surface Gratings. Juan Leonardo Martinez-Hurtado, Muhammad Safwan Akram, Ali Kemal Yetisen. Foods. Vol. 2 No. 4 (2013): 499–506.
- Reflectors in Fishes. Eric Denton. Scientific American. Vol. 224 (1971): 64–72.
- Automotive
- Lexus LC Structural Blue: Capturing nature's brilliance. Lexus UK. YouTube (2017).
- Optical
- Incandescent Bulbs Return to the Cutting Edge. Leora Broydo Vestel. New York Times (2009).
- Plants
- This African Fruit Produces the World's Most Intense Natural Color. Smithsonian Magazine (2012). Pollia condensata, native to Africa, uses nanoscale-sized structures to produce the most intense color ever studied in biological tissue.
- Pointillist structural color in Pollia fruit. Silvia Vignolini, et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 109 No. 39 (2012): 15712–15715.