Photoelectric Effect
- General
- Photoelectric Effect. Michael Fowler. University of Virginia.
- Einstein
- Über einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt. Albert Einstein. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 322 No. 6 (1905): 132–148. On a Heuristic Point of View about the Creation and Conversion of Light. Translated by Dirk ter Haar.
- Hertz
- Ueber einen Einfluss des ultravioletten Lichtes auf die electrische Entladung. Heinrich Hertz. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 267 No. 8 (1887): 983–1000.
- Lenard
- Erzeugung von Kathodenstrahlen durch ultraviolettes Licht. Philipp Lenard. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 307 No. 6 (1900): 359–375.
- Ueber die lichtelektrische Wirkung. Philipp Lenard. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 313 No. 5 (1902): 149–198.
- Philipp Lenard and the Photoelectric Effect, 1889–1911. Bruce R. Wheaton. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. Vol. 9 (1978): 299–322.
- Millikan
- A Direct Determination of h. Robert A. Millikan. Physical Review. Vol. 4 No. 1 (1914): 73–75.
- A Direct Photoelectric Determination of Planck's h. Robert A. Millikan. Physical Review. Vol. 7 No. 3 (1916): 355–388.
- What was measured in Millikan's study of the photoelectric effect? David R. Lloyd. American Journal of Physics. Vol. 83 No. 9 (2015): 765–772.
- Nobel prize
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1905. Philipp Lenard. For his work on cathode rays.
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1906. J.J. Thomson. In recognition of the great merits of his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases.
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1921. Albert Einstein. For his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1923. Robert Milikan. For his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect.
- Photocopier
- How the Photocopier Works. Nigel Bunce & Jim Hunt. The Science Corner. No. 54 (22 November 1984).