Music and Noise
This page's content is no longer being maintained. Links may be broken, information may be outdated, and parts may not function correctly. 2025-02-15.
- music
- Society for Music Theory, University of Chicago
- Musical Acoustics, University of New South Wales
-, Ricci Adams
- Physics of Music, Bryan H. Suits, Michigan Technological University
- noise
- SimplyNoise, online noise generator
- silence
- 4'33"
- BBC Symphony Orchestra, UbuWeb Film
- E-World!
- 4'33"
- Video on demand
- Brady Haran
- How can you filter out the vuvuzela? Sixty Symbols. YouTube (2009). Sixty Symbols takes a look at the dreaded vuvuzela and how it can be filtered out of World Cup football broadcasts.
- TED-Ed
- The physics of playing guitar. Oscar Fernando Perez. TED-Ed (2015). Oscar Fernando Perez details the physics of playing the guitar, from first pluck to that final shredding chord.
- Miscellaneous
- Guitar Oscillations Captured with iPhone 4. Kyle Jones. YouTube (2011).
- Brady Haran