Impulse and Momentum
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- model rockets
- National Association of Rocketry, in particular NAR Certified Motors, which has links to force-time data sets for many model rockets.
- Historical
- Why is momentum called p?
- Question #3. Why is momentum called p? Mermin, N. David. American Journal of Physics. Vol. 62 No. 10 (October 1994): 871.
- Answer to Question #3. Why is Momentum Called p? Gillespie, Daniel T. American Journal of Physics. Vol. 63 No. 4 (April 1995): 297.
- Mass, Speed, Direction: John Buridan's 14th-Century Concept of Momentum. Christopher M. Graney. The Physics Teacher. Vol. 51 (October 2013): 411. The medieval origins of inertia and momentum.
- Why is momentum called p?