- Amplitude, intensity, and loudness are often used interchangeably, but the three terms have different meanings.
- Amplitude is a measure of the maximal change in whatever quantity is varying in a wave.
- For sound waves, the varying quantity [and its SI unit] could be…
- position [m]
- velocity [m/s]
- acceleration [m/s2]
- pressure [Pa]
- density [kg/m3]
- Position and density variations caused by sound waves are difficult to measure directly since…
- their magnitudes are small and
- the period of sound waves are brief.
- Pressure variations caused by sound waves can be detected…
- by animals with their ears and
- by machines with microphones
- For sound waves, the varying quantity [and its SI unit] could be…
- Intensity is an objective measure of the time-averaged power density of a wave at a particular location.
- The SI unit of intensity is the watt per square meter.
- As an equation, intensity is defined as…
I = ⟨P⟩ A I = intensity ⟨P⟩ = time-averaged power A = area through which the wave is propagating in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation - When the amplitude of a sound wave is measured by the maximum displacement of the particles that make up the medium, its intensity is equal to…
I = 2π2ρf2v∆s2
Where…I = intensity ∆s = maximum displacement of particles in the medium (displacement amplitude) ρ = density of medium f = wave frequency v = wave speed - When the amplitude of a sound wave is measured by the maximum gauge pressure of the medium in bulk, its intensity is equal to…
I = ∆P2 2ρv I = intensity ∆P = maximum gauge pressure (pressure amplitude) ρ = density of medium v = wave speed - When the amplitude of a sound wave is measured by the maximum change in density of the medium in bulk, its intensity is equal to…
I = ∆ρ2v3 2ρ I = wave intensity Δρ = maximum density change (density amplitude) ρ = density of medium v = wave speed
- The level (L) of a quantity is the logarithm of the quantity compared to a reference value for the quantity.
- When the logarithm used is base ten, the SI unit is the bel (B).
- Although the bel is computed from quantities with units, the bel is itself unitless.
- The bel is too big for most purposes so the decibel (dB) is more common.
1 bel = 10 decibel
- A level increase of 3 dB is approximately equal to a doubling of intensity (since log 2 ≈ 0.3).
- Sound level values are typically computed using intensity or pressure amplitude.
- The equation for sound intensity level (often abbreviated SIL) in decibels is…
LI = 10 log ⎛
⎝I ⎞
⎠I0 LI = sound intensity level [dB] I = intensity [W/m2] I0 = reference intensity [W/m2] - The equation for sound pressure level (often abbreviated SPL) in decibels is…
LP = 20 log ⎛
⎝∆P ⎞
⎠∆P0 LP = sound pressure level [dB] ∆P = maximum gauge pressure or pressure amplitude [W/m2] ∆P0 = reference gauge pressure [W/m2] - The standard reference values for sounds are defined from pressure amplitudes.
- By definition, a pressure amplitude of 20 μPa in air corresponds to a sound pressure level of 0 dB.
- By definition, a pressure amplitude of 1 μPa in water corresponds to a sound pressure level of 0 dB.
- The equation for sound intensity level (often abbreviated SIL) in decibels is…
- Levels are also commonly used for quantities in audio electronics, radio transmission, and other branches of science and engineering.
- When the logarithm used is base ten, the SI unit is the bel (B).
- Loudness is…