- Cavendish experiment
- Data & Story Library (DASL). Carnegie Mellon University.
- Comet halley
- Gravity anomaly maps
- New physics
- Newton's apple
- Draft account of Newton's life at Cambridge. John Conduitt. (ca. 1727–8). Newton Papers Project. University of Sussex.
- Newton the Man. Enlightening Science. University of Sussex (2013). See especially the video 18th century British Biographies by Rebekah Higgit.
- Memoir of Sir Isaac Newton's Life. William Stukeley (1752).
- The Pitt Estate. British History Online. A lengthy article about the neighborhood where Newton spent the last two years of his life. Excerpted from Survey of London: volume 37. Edited by F.H.W. Sheppard (1973).
- Newton Court, Kensington, London on Google Maps. Newton lived on this block from 1725 to his death in 1727 and told the story of the apple to his biographer William Stukeley near a grove of apple trees in this general area.
- Space Wood. Objectivity #1. YouTube (6 January 2015). Brady Haran looks at some "space wood" with Keith Moore, head librarian at The Royal Society. The wood is cut from the famous apple tree at Woolsthorpe Manor that was said to give Isaac Newton his first understanding of gravity.
- Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Phiolosopy). Isaac Newton (5 July 1687).
- Pioneer anomaly
- Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration. John D. Anderson, Philip A. Laing, Eunice L. Lau, Anthony S. Liu, Michael Martin Nieto, and Slava G. Turyshev. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 81 No. 14 (1998): 2858–2861.
- Study of the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11. John D. Anderson, Philip A. Laing, Eunice L. Lau, Anthony S. Liu, Michael Martin Nieto, and Slava G. Turyshev. Physical Review D. Vol. 65 No. 8 (2002): 082004–082003.
- The Pioneer Anomaly: The Data, its Meaning, and a Future Test. Michael Martin Nieto, Slava G. Turyshev and John D. Anderson. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings. Vol. 758 (2005): 113. Open access copy at
- High precision thermal modeling of complex systems with application to the flyby and Pioneer anomaly. Benny Rievers and Claus Lämmerzahl. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 523 No. 6 (2011): 439–449.
- Video on demand
- Brady Haran
- Gravity. Sixty Symbols. YouTube (2009). What is the difference between big "G" and little "g"... And what is gravitational lensing?
- Mass and Weight are (sort of) the SAME. Sixty Symbols. YouTube (2014). The Equivalence Principle, starring Professor Mike Merrifield from the University of Nottingham (plus Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton).
- Space Wood. Objectivity #1. YouTube (6 January 2015). Brady Haran looks at some "space wood" with Keith Moore, head librarian at The Royal Society. The wood is cut from the famous apple tree at Woolsthorpe Manor that was said to give Isaac Newton his first understanding of gravity.
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond (1985)
- The Apple and The Moon. The first real steps toward space travel are made as Newton discovers that gravity describes the force between any two particles in the universe.
- The Kepler Problem. The deduction of Kepler's laws from Newton's universal law of gravitation is one of the crowning achievements of Western thought.
- Harmony of the Spheres. A last lingering look back at mechanics to see new connections between old discoveries.
- Physics for the 21st century (2010)