Electric Potential
- Definition
- The electric potential is…
- a scalar field
- used to explain the origin of the electric field, which is a vector field
- The electric potential difference between two locations is the work required to move a test charge from one location to another divided by the magnitude of the test charge.
∆V = W q - The electric potential difference between two locations is the ratio of the change in electric potential energy of a test charge to the magnitude of the test charge.
∆V = ∆UE q
- The electric potential is…
- Relation of electric potential to electric field
- The electric field at a point is space is the gradient of the electric potential at that point.
calculus version non-calculus version E = −∇V E = − ∆V d - The electric potential of a point in space is the path integral of the electric field starting from a point infinitely far away.
calculus version non-calculus version r V = − ⌠
⌡E ⋅ dr ∞ ∆V = −Ed
- The electric field at a point is space is the gradient of the electric potential at that point.
- Units
- The SI unit of electric potential is the volt.
⎣V = J ⎤
⎦C - The electric field has two frequently used, equivalent SI units…
- the newton per coulomb and
- the volt per meter.
⎣N = V ⎤
⎦C m - The electronvolt is an acceptable non SI unit of work and energy. It is used for some applications in electromagnetism; solid state, atomic, nuclear, and particle physics; and related sciences like biophysics, chemistry, and astronomy. An electronvolt (1 eV) is the work done on a particle with one elementary charge (1 e) when it is moved between two locations with a potential difference of one volt (1 V).
1 eV = (1.6 × 10−16 C)(1 V)
1 eV = 1.6 × 10−16 J
- The SI unit of electric potential is the volt.