Matter Waves
- General
- The Dual Nature of Light as Reflected in the Nobel Archive. Gösta Ekspong. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
- Modern Physics. Michael Fowler. University of Virginia.
- Physics 2000. University of Colorado.
- Quantum World. New Scientist.
- Visual Quantum Mechanics. Kansas State University.
- Casimir
- The Phantom of Free Energy. Vic Stenger. Skeptical Briefs (June 1999).
- Obituaries: Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir. Martin Schuurmans. Physics Today. Vol. 53 No. 9 (2000): 80–81.
- de Broglie
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1929. Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie.
- Waves and Quanta. Louis de Broglie. Nature. Vol. 112 (1923): 540.
- Davisson-Germer
- Scattering of Electrons by a Single Crystal of Nickel. C.J. Davisson and L.H. Germer. Nature. Vol. 119 (1927): 558–560.
- Diffraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel. C. Davisson & L.H. Germer. Physical Review. Vol. 30 No. 6 (1927): 705–740.
- Reflection of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel. C.J. Davisson & L.H. Germer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 14 No. 4 (1928): 317–322.
- Reflection and Refraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel. C.J. Davisson & L.H. Germer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 14 No. 8 (1928): 619–627.
- A Test for Polarization of Electron Waves by Reflection. C.J. Davisson & L.H. Germer. Physical Review. Vol. 33 No. 5 (1929): 760–772.
- Electron Lenses. C.J. Davisson & C.J. Calbick. Physical Review. Vol. 42 No. 4 (1932): 580.
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1937. Clinton Joseph Davisson and George Paget Thomson.
- Thomson-Reid
- Diffraction of Cathode Rays by a Thin Film. G.P. Thomson & A. Reid. Nature. Vol. 119 No. 890 (1927): 890.
- Experiments on the diffraction of cathode rays. G. P. Thomson. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences. Vol.117 No. 778 (1928): 600–609.
- Estermann-Stern
- Beugung von Molekularstrahlen. Immanuel Estermann, Otto Stern. Zeitschrift für Physik. Vol. 61 No. 1-2 (1930): 95-125.
- Kapitsa-Dirac
- The reflection of electrons from standing light waves. P.L. Kapitsa and P.A.M. Dirac. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vol. 29 No. 2 (1933): 297–300.
- Observation of the Kapitza-Dirac effect. Daniel L. Freimund, Kayvan Aflatooni, Herman Batelaan. Nature. Vol. (2001): 142–143.
- Particles driven to diffraction. Philip H. Bucksbaum. Nature. Vol. (2001): 117–118.
- Electron microscopes
- Beitrag zur geometrischen Elektronenoptik I. Max Knoll, Ernst Ruska. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 404 No. 5 (1932): 607–640.
- Beitrag zur geometrischen Elektronenoptik II. Max Knoll, Ernst Ruska. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 404 No. 6 (1932): 641–661.
- Das Elektronenmikroskop. Max Knoll, Ernst Ruska. Zeitschrift für Physik. Vol. 78 No. 5–6 (1932): 318–339.
- Aufladepotentiel und Sekundäremission elektronenbestrahlter Körper. Max Knoll. Zeitschrift für technische Physik. Vol. 16 (1935): 467–475.
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1986. Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer.
- Electron Microscope. Max Knoll. US Patent 2,131,536 (1938).
- Electron Microscope. Ernst Ruska. US Patent 2,267,137 (1941).
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope. Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer. US Patent 4,343,993 (1982).
- Atomic Force Microscope. Gerd Binning. US Patent 4,724,318 (1988).
- Heisenberg
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1932. Werner Heisenberg.
- Humor
- Hypothetical Cat Simultaneously Dead and Alive, Physicists Say. The Onion (1999)
- Haggar Physicists Develop "Quantum Slacks". The Onion (2001).
- Miscellaneous
- Physicists Play the Nanopipe. Philip Ball. Nature Science Update. (2001).
- Two-dimensional imaging of electronic wavefunctions in carbon nanotubes. Serge G. Lemay, et al. Nature Vol. 412 (2001): 617–620.
- Video on demand
- Brady Haran
- Casimir Effect & Black Holes. Sixty Symbols. YouTube (2014). Casimir Effect, Black Holes and Hawking Radiation. Featuring Professor Mike Merrifield from the University of Nottingham.
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond (1985)
- Particles and Waves. Evidence that light can sometimes act like a particle leads to quantum mechanics, the new physics.
- Physics for the 21st century (2010)
- Brady Haran