- Benjamin Franklin
- A Letter of Benjamin Franklin, Esq; to Mr. Peter Collinson, F. R. S. concerning an Electrical Kite. Benjamin Franklin. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Vol. 47 (1751): 565–567.
- Benjamin Franklin and Lightning Rods. Philip Krider. Physics Today. Vol. 59 No. 1 (2006): 42–48.
- Maryland State House dome - The Franklin Lightning Rod. Maryland State Archives.
- Georg Wilhelm Richmann
- Письмо Ломоносова къ И. И. Шувалову отъ 26 iюля 1753 года. Библиотека Максима Мошкова.
- An Answer to Dr. Lining's Query Relating to the Death of Professor Richman. William Watson. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Vol. 48 (1753): 765–772.
- An Account of the Death of Mr. George William Richman, Professor of Experimental Philosophy, a Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Petersburg. Translated from the High-Dutch. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Vol. 49 (1755): 61–69.
- Of the Electricity of the Atmosphere in An Outline of the Sciences of Heat and Electricity. Thomas Thomson. London: Baldwin & Craddock (1830): 432–447.
- Faraday cage
- Straight Up: Helicopters in Action. Vimeo (2002). High voltage electric power lines are serviced by workers in Faraday cage suits placed on the lines by helicopter. Directed by David Douglas for the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum.
- Helicopter Maintenance on energized 765,000 Volt Line. American Electric Power. YouTube (1988). Footage of helicopter live line work on AEP's 765,000 Volt Transmission System.
- Lightning
- Lightning. Ron Hipschman. Exploratorium.
- Lightning and Atmospheric Electricity Research. Global Hydrology and Climate Center. NASA.
- Lightning Injury Research. Mary Ann Cooper. University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Lightning Strike & Electric Shock Survivors International (LSESSI)
- National Lightning Safety Institute.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Billy, Maria, and the Thunderstorm. A children's coloring book.
- Lightning Safety
- People Struck By Lightning Who Lived. Good Mythical Morning. YouTube (2015). Getting struck by lightning can be pretty cool sometimes.