This page's content is no longer being maintained. Links may be broken, information may be outdated, and parts may not function correctly. 2025-02-15.
- General
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Heat Transmission Properties of Insulating and Building Materials, Standard Reference Data Program
- Thermal Conductivity, Building and Fire Research Laboratory
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Video on demand
- Fighting Firedamp: The Lamp that Saved 1000 Lives. The Royal Institution YouTube (2015). With a beautiful, explosive experiment, Demo Technician Andy Marmery demonstrates how Humphry Davy's simple invention saved hundreds of lives from firedamp.
- Misconceptions About Heat. Veritasium. YouTube (2011). When we touch something that is hot or cold, what are we actually sensing? Is it the temperature of the object, or the rate at which heat flows between the object and our hand?
- Misconceptions About Temperature. Veritasium. YouTube (2012). Made for ABC TV Catalyst as an extended version of Misconceptions About Heat.