Electric Charge
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- General
- Electrostatic Discharge Association. The ESDA is a professional voluntary association dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of ESD avoidance.
- The Discovery of the Electron. Center for History of Physics. American Institute of Physics.
- Electrostatic Applications. Selling books on electrostatics for all applications and professions.
- Mike's Electric Stuff. Mike Harrison. Antique glass stuff. Tesla coils and high-voltage stuff. Miscellaneous electric, science and laser stuff.
- Static Electricity Page. Bill Beaty. Science Hobbyist. An eclectic collection of articles and links with a terrible sense of design.
- Stop Static. Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI). Refueling fires are caused by static electrical discharge not cellular phone use. "Researchers have tried to ignite fuel vapors with a cell phone and failed."
- Theater of Electricity. Museum of Science. Boston, Massachusetts.
- Historical
- Observations on animal electricity, and particularly that called Spontaneous, J.J. Hemmer.Philosophical Magazine Series 1. Vol. 5 No. 17 (1799): 3–9. A compendium of anecdotes about static electricity written in 18th century English.
- Electrickery. In Our Time. BBC Radio 4 (2004). Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the dawn of the age of electricity. How did electricity develop in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries? Why was it so politically contentious and how was it understood during the age in which it changed the world forever? With Simon Schaffer, Professor in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Darwin College; Patricia Fara, historian of science and a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge; Iwan Morus, Lecturer in the History of Science at Queen's University Belfast.
- triboelectricity
- Crackling Planets. Tony Phillips. Science@NASA (2005). Astronauts on the Moon and Mars are going to have to cope with an uncommon amount of static electricity.
- Correlation between nanosecond x-ray flashes and stick-slip friction in peeling tape. Carlos G. Camara1, Juan V. Escobar, Jonathan R. Hird, Seth J. Putterman.Nature. Vol. 455 (2008): 1089–1092. Turn a Scotch tape dispenser into an x-ray tube.
- Video on demand
- Brady Haran
- Charge. Sixty Symbols. YouTube (2009).Q is for charge. Professor Roger Bowley puts on bit of a magic show in this light-hearted look at electrical charges.
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond (1985)
- Static Electricity. Eighteenth-century electricians knew how to spark the interest of an audience with the principles of static electricity.
- Royal Institution
- Zap, Crackle and Pop: The Story of Electricity. The Royal Institution (2015). Dr Marty Jopson leads us through the story of electricity in a show buzzing with demonstrations. Have we tamed electricity? From the Ancient Greeks to Faraday's genius, this show puts the awesome back into electricity.
- TED-Ed
- The science of static electricity. Anuradha Bhagwat. TED-Ed. YouTube (2015). We've all had the experience: you're walking across a soft carpet, you reach for the doorknob and… ZAP. But what causes this trademark jolt of static electricity? Anuradha Bhagwat sheds light on the phenomenon by examining the nature of matter.
- Brady Haran