- airship manufacturers
- Video on demand
- Ship floating on nothing :: Physikshow Uni Bonn. TheTvelvethMonkey. YouTube (2007). Get enchanted by a aluminium foil ship floating above ground on sulphur hexafluoride (a gas significantly denser than air) at the Physikshow of the University of Bonn!
- Magic Floating Boat - Sulfur Hexafluoride. Rosie and Anna. YouTube (2008). Two little mad scientists investigate Helium and Sulfer Hexafluoride. Rosie and Anna study Helium, a gas that is lighter than air, and Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6), an inert gas that is much heavier than air. They are able to magically float a small ship made of aluminum foil above the ground on a blanket of gas and then sink it by pouring the gas into the boat with a beaker. This is also known as the invisible water effect.
- The real story behind Archimedes' Eureka! Armand D'Angour. TED-Ed. YouTube (2015). When you think of Archimedes' Eureka moment, you probably imagine a man in a bathtub, right? As it turns out, there's much more to the story. Armand D'Angour tells the story of Archimedes' biggest assignment — an enormous floating palace commissioned by a king — that helped him find Eureka.
- Beaker Ball Balance Problem. Veritasium. YouTube (2015). Will it tip towards the acrylic ball, towards the ping pong ball, or will it remain perfectly balance? The answer is in a separate YouTube video.